Runner at Ultra Coahuila race. The runner is wearing a blue visor, hydration pack, and race bib, looking determined with a background of trees.

Rosalino Meneses Supports Mexican Red Cross at Ultra Coahuila Garmin

Rosalino Meneses Lopez, from La Raya, Zimatlan, achieved an exceptional performance in the Ultra Coahuila Garmin, held on June 26th and 27th. Competing in the 50 km race, he supported the Mexican Red Cross and finished 6th in his category. Sponsored by Oax Sport, Rosalino’s participation highlights the agency’s commitment to promoting Oaxacan athletes.

La imagen muestra a un grupo de atletas de Oax Sport Management posando juntos, todos vistiendo sus uniformes con los colores y logotipos del equipo. Están alineados en dos filas y todos llevan medallas alrededor del cuello, indicando que han completado una competencia. El fondo incluye palmeras y una estructura arquitectónica con arcos, lo que sugiere que están en un parque o una plaza pública. Los atletas parecen satisfechos y orgullosos de sus logros.

Oax Sport Shines at AsTri Huatulco 2021 with Strong Performances

Oax Sport achieved remarkable results at the AsTri Huatulco 2021, with standout performances from their athletes. Competing in various categories, the team secured top positions, including a second overall place. Sponsored athletes Rocío Toledo López and Rafael Vázquez Fierro excelled in their events, continuing Oax Sport’s mission to support Oaxacan talent.

Three athletes from Oax Sport Management stand under the start/finish arch of the El Chico Mountain Race, wearing masks and sportswear. The arch features logos of sponsors, including Salomon, Buff, and the Golden Trail National Series. The background shows a forested area, indicating the race's natural setting.

Oax Sport Athletes Shine in Golden Trail National Series

Athletes from San Pablo Güilá and La Raya Zimatlán share their experiences in the second National Golden Trail Series Mexico event. Roque García and Rosalino Meneses competed in the El Chico Mountain Race, showcasing their talents and determination.

La imagen muestra a un grupo de corredores cruzando la línea de meta durante el evento "Pescado de Moctezuma". Los corredores llevan camisetas azules con el logotipo del evento y números de dorsal. Están celebrando su logro al llegar a la meta, algunos levantando las manos con alegría. El cronómetro muestra el tiempo de carrera y detrás de ellos se ve una decoración colorida que añade al ambiente festivo. La imagen captura el momento de triunfo y esfuerzo de los participantes.

2020 End of Year Report

Oax Sport started with great enthusiasm in January 2020, aiming to support athletes from small communities in Oaxaca. Despite the pandemic, we successfully participated in the ‘Pescado de Moctezuma’ relay race and continued planning for future events.