La imagen muestra a un grupo de atletas de Oax Sport Management posando juntos, todos vistiendo sus uniformes con los colores y logotipos del equipo. Están alineados en dos filas y todos llevan medallas alrededor del cuello, indicando que han completado una competencia. El fondo incluye palmeras y una estructura arquitectónica con arcos, lo que sugiere que están en un parque o una plaza pública. Los atletas parecen satisfechos y orgullosos de sus logros.

Oax Sport Shines at AsTri Huatulco 2021 with Strong Performances

Oax Sport en AsTri Huatulco 2021

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A second overall place and good positions in categories were achieved

Oax Sport returns home after successful participation in the Huatulco Triathlon, a competitive event that is part of the national series that supports the Triathlon World Cup. Fast and exciting competitions in different modalities were held simultaneously on June 12 around the plaza and bay of Santa Cruz Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico. That same day in the afternoon and on Sunday the 13th in the morning, the final qualifying round for elite triathletes was held for the Tokyo Olympics.

More than 700 athletes from many parts of Mexico and more than ten countries attended the AsTri Huatulco National Triathlon. Oax Sport came with seven competitors in total, among them corporate and sponsored athletes who participated in the modalities: Olympic Distance Triathlon, Sprint Distance Triathlon, Sprint Distance Duathlon, and Sprint Distance Aquathlon.

Our competition results, in age categories, were the following:

Olympic Triathlon:

Sprint Triathlon:

  • Mariana Becerril Jiménez, 12th Place

Sprint Aquathlon:

  • Diana García Chacón, 5th Place

Sprint Duathlon:

The team was led by two athletes selected through an open online application process. With this, Oax Sport offered athletes from the local communities of Oaxaca the opportunity to submit their application to receive sponsorship for participation in this international event.

The selected athletes were Rocío and Rafael, from Juchitán and Valles Centrales, respectively. Each received a sponsorship package with a monetary value of $4,375 for triathlon and $3,645 for duathlon. By sponsoring two external athletes, Oax Sport Inc. continues with its mission and commitment to support and guide Oaxacan talents.

Rocío Nadxieli Toledo López

“I feel very happy to compete again after more than one year without events, and more for being in Huatulco. A super challenging competition due to its climatic conditions and climbs, but in each event you learn, from technical issues to controlling your mind.

I achieved 5th place in my category in the Olympic distance triathlon, we always know that it can be improved, it was a different competition since it was not a group start, which makes the competition individual against time.

Now is time to continue preparing for the medium distance triathlon “MayaMan” Tulum in August and also plan other events. I must analyze the options to continue growing and surpassing myself. Thank you very much to all who were on the lookout and to the cheers in Huatulco.” Rocío Nadxieli Toledo López.

The Huatulco AsTri is one of the qualifying races for the World Triathlon Championship. The top three finishers of each age group category in the triathlon, duathlon, and aquathlon will represent Mexico in the championship.

Rafael Vázquez Fierro

“The AsTri Huatulco Duathlon was a great sporting experience in which I obtained an excellent result! Thank you, Oax Sport, for supporting me and keeping an eye on me throughout the event!

The truth was that I felt superior in the running race. We managed to gain a slight advantage over the strongest of the competition. The part of the transition and riding the bike was where I lost the edge over the others. It is difficult as we do not have good equipment to do it: bicycle and shoes. Despite that, we gave the best effort in the cycling part. We closed the final part of the pedestrian race with enough energy and a good pace.

The result has left me with great satisfaction! I wish to have the support to buy a bike of my size and the complementary equipment.” Rafael Vázquez Fierro.

Oax Sport Inc. is a Texas nonprofit corporation that supports athletes from Oaxaca’s communities by offering opportunities to develop their athletic careers and participate in high-level amateur athletic events. The corporation relies on donations and financial support to carry on its sports programs.

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