Retrato de un atleta de Oax Sport Inc. vistiendo un uniforme deportivo azul y blanco. El fondo ha sido removido, destacando su rostro y expresión serena.

Rosalino in the Backyard 2021

Backyard, Saltillo Coahuila, was one of the races that I loved the most and enjoyed immensely. It’s not a common event in Mexico, running 6.7 km per hour until only one athlete is left standing. This unique experience was provided by Oax Sport, allowing me to explore another state and continue to grow as an ultra-distance athlete. The route was very technical, and after 5 hours, the tension and heat from the sun, coupled with a circuit with little vegetation, became intense. But thanks to that, I outlasted more than 50% of the participants who left or were forced to leave the race. I’m grateful to Oax Sport for this experience, and I enjoyed it so much that I’m willing to participate again in another event for 2022.

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