La imagen muestra a un grupo de corredores cruzando la línea de meta durante el evento "Pescado de Moctezuma". Los corredores llevan camisetas azules con el logotipo del evento y números de dorsal. Están celebrando su logro al llegar a la meta, algunos levantando las manos con alegría. El cronómetro muestra el tiempo de carrera y detrás de ellos se ve una decoración colorida que añade al ambiente festivo. La imagen captura el momento de triunfo y esfuerzo de los participantes.

2020 End of Year Report


Passion for Sport

With great enthusiasm, a group of optimistic people passionate about sports decided to start the “Oax Sport” project in January 2020. The vision was to create opportunities for athletes located in Oaxaca’s small communities to travel and compete in national athletic events.

The first event for this new project was the ‘Pescado de Moctezuma,’ a relay race of six runners, starting from Veracruz and finishing in Mexico City. This event was an excellent opportunity to support six athletes while visiting multiple states or Mexico.

Since the first event, athletes and the media have received much interest. As a result, we decided to proceed with and formalize our project: creating a nonprofit sports agency.

Unfortunately, the government officially declared the pandemic in Oaxaca right after the first event, which halted the nonprofit formation process. Nevertheless, we continued planning and registration for future events.

In an overview of 2020, six athletes and one staff member successfully participated in one event. In addition, we registered for another two events where we planned to support eight athletes. However, organizers were forced to cancel these events due to Covid-19.

Volunteer Directors:

  • Eddi Perez, Athletic Director
  • Diana Garcia, Public Relations & Creativity
  • Fahad Hizam, Business Development

Volunteer Staff:

  • Rosalino Meneses, Athlete Relation Manager
  • Hernan Luis, Indigenous Community Liaison

Athletes who received direct financial support in 2020:

  • Felipe Arellanes Ruiz, Cuixtla Miahuatlan
  • Rosalino Meneses López, La Raya Zimatlan
  • Pablo Salazar Alavez, Oaxaca de Juarez
  • Roque Luis García, San Pablo Güilá

Athletic competitions where we participated in 2020:

2020 Goals and Achievements:

  • Launch Oax Sport as a nonprofit athletic project
  • Support local athletic clubs members
  • Participate in national competitions
  • Support local athletes from small Oaxacan communities
  • Promote Oaxacan athletes on many media channels

2021 Plans:

  • Incorporate Oax Sport as a registered charity
  • Support new athletes
  • Participate in upcoming national events
  • Source and create new funding sources

A dream of national group participation in 2020 was the starting point of the history of Oax Sport that, thanks to the work of volunteers, the interest of the athletes, and national and international followers, will be able to move forward.

About Us

We are a 501(c)(3) Public Charity based in Texas. We support local athletes from the small communities of Oaxaca, Mexico. Your support helps us provide training, education, and sports activities. Please support our charity by donating directly through PayPal.

Please reach out to us for collaboration, sponsorship, grants, donations, and media.

Oax Sport Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Therefore, all donations to Oax Sport Inc. are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. To obtain a copy of our IRS designation letter, please get in touch with us. Our tax identification number is 86-3407818.

Images from 2020 Competitions

2020 Media Coverage

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