Three Oax Sport athletes running on a sunny day. Two athletes are wearing blue Oax Sport triathlon suits with white caps and sunglasses, while the third athlete is in a blue and white Oax Sport shirt with black shorts and a white cap. They are running on a road next to a chain-link fence with trees and greenery in the background.

Oax Sport Athletes Ready for Huatulco AsTri Triathlon

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Toledo Lopez and Vazquez Fierro head the Participation of Oax Sport’s Team

Oax Sport’s athletes are in their final preparations for the Huatulco AsTri Triathlon this coming June the 12th. The national series will be the support event of the World Triathlon Cup that will take place on the same weekend in Huatulco.

Oax Sport is participating in this significant event with eight athletes who will be competing in the different races of the series. The athletes are as follow:

Eddi Perez Silva, Athletic Director

In the Triathlon:

  • Mariana Becerril Jimenez, Cuilapam de Guerrero, OAX
  • Rocio Toledo Lopez, Juchitan de Zaragoza, OAX

In the Aquathlon:

In tha Duathlon:

Oax Sport’s mission is to offer unique athletic experiences for athletes who reside in Oaxaca. It also supports and guides young aspiring athletes by managing their sports careers and by making sure they are seen and heard by being present in national events.

Rocío Toledo will represent Oax Sport in the highly competative Olimpic Triathlon. Dedicated and enthusiastic, Rocío has a proven resumé of excellence in her favorite sport.

Rocio Nadxieli Toledo Lopez 

“My final preparation is quite good. I have been very committed to training. In February, a medium distance competition I was going to attend was postponed. However, I tried not to slow down the preparation. The last few months have been heavier than usual because I am also at the end of the college semester. It is challenging to return to racing since it is my first competition after more than a year of the pandemic. Nevertheless, I am thrilled that it is in Huatulco.

Huatulco always feels like home, where there are many known people. It is also a challenging route due to the climbs and the climate (high humidity). Every triathlete knows the difficulty of this competition.

My goal is to give my best and represent Oaxaca well since very few women in the state practice the three disciplines. I am very excited since I always love that my friends and family are involved (they know they are part of all that). They always encourage me to do my best. AsTri Huatulco will be an exceptional competition. The challenge of managing a graduate degree and training will make you unique.” Rocio Nadxieli Toledo Lopez, triathlete sponsored by Oax Sport.

Oax Sport’s main competitor in Duathlon is Rafael Vasquez, with an extensive history of running and cycling successes, including many state championships.

Rafael Vázquez Fierro

“I am in the final stretch of preparation for the Duathlon AsTri Huatulco. I feel confident about reaching the top for the said event in such a beautiful place. I have good memories in Huatulco, where I got two podiums in different mid-distance and ultra-distance running events. I won the Ultramarathon de la Selva de Huatulco 100km. I was the only competitor to finish the race on time and pass through the time limits indicated by the event’s organization.

I have in mind to soon run an Ultra Trail or Marathon on the street and thus continue to lead by example in sports. I thank Oax Sport for the opportunity it gives me to compete in the Duathlon AsTri Huatulco. Let’s hope to achieve a podium.” Rafael Vazquez Fierro, athlete sponsored by Oax Sport, member of club Macizos Team.

Oax Sport Inc. is a non for profit sports agency incorporated in Texas. The agency supports local athletes by offering business and public relationship services. The corporation relies mainly on independent financial support and donation to continue its sports programs and support a wide range of aspiring athletes.

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